Some people believe they have no talent at all, I on the other hand believe that everyone has a talent for something! If you love it and you have a passion for it you can do whatever you want..
I am married and I have 4 children , 3 boys and 1 girl, they are all unique and clever in their own way. For as far back as I can remember I have loved to sew. I got my first sewing box when I was about 10 and I still have it (almost an antique). I used to make all my own clothes and when my babies came along I would make clothes for them. I can knit although I haven't picked up a set of needles for many years. I can crochet and recently have been making a few things for a friend who has a photography business. I have decorated cakes, dabbled in signwriting and even had my own business making curtains.
My newest passion is patchwork, I love cutting up fabric and sewing it back together. I also love making bags. So I hope to share with everyone a little bit of me and what I can do.